Is that really you, Nick, or did some sort of cookie-spam-virus thing follow me back from your website?
If it is really you, welcome! You are an honored guest in my blog.
Yes, and once the judgment is made what can one do? Only revise. As Agnes Martin said (in a short film by Chuck Smith on Youtube) “Answers are just bad guesses.” Hopefully one eventually settles down to the understanding that only the sucky parts of life suck.
It was me. I was poking fun at spam. Word Press has a bunch of good spam-blocker plug-ins. Though even if you use those, some will get through.
As I get older I realize that what I thought sucked when I was younger was, in fact, nothing very important at all in the larger scheme of things. But also as I’ve gotten older I’ve seen and experienced horrors that go way beyond simple “sucking.” I always go back to Thich Nhat Hahn who saw fellow Vietnamese Buddhist monks set themselves on fire to protest the French and U.S. occupations of Vietnam and who now teaches meditations about appreciating your own body: “I smile at my eyes…” Perspective is a good thing.
You are right, Kerry. That is a remarkably funny cartoon!
I found the information in this article to be refreshing. Great job! Please to you for enlightening me.
Anyway… once you’ve judged that life sucks, you’ve still got to live the rest of your life.
Is that really you, Nick, or did some sort of cookie-spam-virus thing follow me back from your website?
If it is really you, welcome! You are an honored guest in my blog.
Yes, and once the judgment is made what can one do? Only revise. As Agnes Martin said (in a short film by Chuck Smith on Youtube) “Answers are just bad guesses.” Hopefully one eventually settles down to the understanding that only the sucky parts of life suck.
It was me. I was poking fun at spam. Word Press has a bunch of good spam-blocker plug-ins. Though even if you use those, some will get through.
As I get older I realize that what I thought sucked when I was younger was, in fact, nothing very important at all in the larger scheme of things. But also as I’ve gotten older I’ve seen and experienced horrors that go way beyond simple “sucking.” I always go back to Thich Nhat Hahn who saw fellow Vietnamese Buddhist monks set themselves on fire to protest the French and U.S. occupations of Vietnam and who now teaches meditations about appreciating your own body: “I smile at my eyes…” Perspective is a good thing.