February 15, 2011

yet another closed eye drawing

This is the point in Freeman’s story where the doctor is taken hostage by the mental patient (please note hospital gown open in back.)


more closed eye drawings

I did a series of closed eye drawings to illustrate a short story Freeman wrote entirely in Haiku.

January 23, 2011

Playing Catchup: black and white samples (7)


Ketchup and/or Catsup: 57 varieties black and white (6)


Ketchup with Black and White samples (4)

Crown of teeth. Anything with teeth bugs me out.  Under one elephant is Dante, under the other, Blake.


Ketchup with Black and White sprinkles(3)

This one is from a sketchbook. It was originally captioned like a cartoon.  The caption was: “Maybe I threw it out by accident?”


Ketchup with Black and White samples (2)


Ketchup with Black and White samples (1)

Crazy week.  Just sent Freeman ninety more black and white  images for the print sample book.  I’ll share a few and make up for the lack of posts last week.

January 5, 2011

Shattering into a Rose Window

This is a sketch for the Rose Window I wanted for an earlier version of my web site. I was going to replace all the phrenological compartments with my own totality of subdivisions but I never got around to conceiving my hollistic account of everything.   I do like the profile I drew which is of the esteemed professor and anti-phrenologist, Maya Poran.   At that time the web site, and pretty much my every effort at complete statement, was called “MAYAPOTHEOSIS: the work of Kerry Dennehy.”

I still like this sketch as an image if not as an illustration of something.  Though in terms of images and actual stained glass Chagall’s window for ISSACHAR is still where I would direct anybody’s attention first.

January 4, 2011

a previous web site design

This was actually just a portion of the front page of the web site I wanted a few years back. I was going to render it as combination stained glass and neon tubing.   The other portion I may post tomorrow. It was a phrenological map of the head that was shattering (because of its premature totality) and the pieces were falling in the pattern of a cathedral’s rose window.
